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Today's Challenge

SacsiN Challenge

The exchange of sustainability and compliance information is today signified by manual
work and an abundance of data formats and definitions. Many global companies today
employ hundreds of people handling these tasks. Some companies push the burden to
its suppliers, which has only proven to increase the price of the final product.

Sense Of Urgency

There is a very strong movement towards regulations to support and control climate
actions, sustainability, traceability and circularity. Every five years, the amount of
global regulations doubles. This will require each organizations to meet a continuous
and sharp future increase of:

  • Reporting requirements from nations, authorities and buyers
  • Expectations of having information available " on request" and without delay
  • B2B and end-customers' expectations of transparency
  • Increased amount of information exchange within the industrial supplier networks

The number of administrative activities is estimated to short-term increase immensely.

Why is it so hard to capture
the right data?

  • Information is handled in document formats. Conversion to data is manual.
  • If information is available as data, each issuer has their own format and each receiver their own.
  • Huge format confusion since each country, regulator, industry and company tend to create their own format and definitions; in their own language. To digitalise existing routines creates expensive IT projects.
  • When own unique models are developed, they are inflexible and locked into proprietary systems.
  • Large companies generate thousands of customs declarations per month, each possible error creates manual work, or even severe supply chain disturbances, causing costs, fines and delays.
  • Already at Tier 2-3, the supplier networks often overlap between different industries e.g. IKEA and Volvo Trucks probably share some of their suppliers for items made of wood, steal or plastics.